Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 9-Greece vs. Persia...Part Deux

The Temple of Artemis
It was a good day for war.  The troops headed out at 0830 hours to Brauron.  The site with sacred spring and Temple to Artemis.  In Iphigenia at Taurus, Iphigenia is sent to Brauron to become a priestess to Artemis and live out the remainder of her days.  The sanctuary was flooded in the 3 c. BC and was never used again.

We reenacted three plays in Brauron--Iphigenia at Aulis, Agamemnon (with a little bit of Thyestes; which is the best story really), and Iphigenia at Taurus.

Roula gave us all koulouri.
And then we went to the museum.  I don't have any pictures of Marathon, because my camera died halfway through this day-trip.  After the museums, we saw an "indoor" older burial ground...and then we went to the mound.

And THIS happened...

Preparing  For Battle--The Persians Clearly Aren't Ready

This is hilarious because I'm 100% Greek and Berry really is 100% Persian.  We shook hands and made amends after.  After all, it's not the Greeks fault Persia was lame :)

I don't know about you, but after a long battle I like to eat.  So we went to this beachfront seafood cafe, which was literally, and I think we voted, one of the best lunches, if not the best lunch we had in Greece.

I Finally Found My Skordalia (a garlic-potato sauce for fish), and It Was Heaven


There were two groups staying at the Palmyra Hotel in Glyfada.  The group that I was with and this business school from Arkansas.  We met them the night prior, and they seemed okay enough...aside from the fact that one was producing Budweisers from his pocket while another one said something to the extent of he CAN'T WAIT to get back to 'Merica.  We should have seen the red flag.  But against better judgment, probably Metaxa induced, our group told them that we would go out with them the following night--tonight, in the context of the story and the day.

When it was time to go, we poured the remaining Metaxa in a can of coke (which is delicious btw) and headed out with our "new friends."  I don't know what kind of hillbilly bars they have in Arkansas.  But a club, in what is supposed to be the rich part of Greece of course has a dress code--they were all wearing shorts and flippy floppies.  And clearly the Greek, or a gaggle of girls should have gone first, not five dudes with a twangy attitudes...When the bouncer turned them down they proceeded to stand five feet away from them and swear!  Saying how much Greece sucks.  And F this and F that.  OF COURSE THE BOUNCER KNEW ENGLISH! He just wasn't going to let some stupid American tourists know that they did.  Their insensitivity for the Greek culture was disgusting and it really made me was to inflict bodily harm on these dudes we just met.  So then I started swearing in Greek...on the upside I bonded with a couple people at the door who were making fun of them, but that isn't the point!

It was at this point that the 'Unholy Trinity' was born.  A unit that has each other's backs against the scary Arkansanians. (What do you call people from Arkansas?)

#2, #1, and #3
We went back to the hotel to power drink before we joined back up with the rest of the group at the rooftop bar of the sister hotel to the Palmyra.  The rest of the night was filled with rum and coke's, games of pool and dirty looks to middle-Americans.  

We should have listened to Joe; he was right about them...

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