Lord Byron Wrote On This...That is Cool |
I tried to take a picture of where Lord Byron wrote his name on the column at Cap Sounion, but it didn't really come out. I know it's there, but I can't see it, and that makes me sad. Sad that I can't see it. But happy to know it's there. They say that Cape Sounion has one of the most beautiful sunsets in Greece, and I wish we could have stayed to see it.
Beautiful View of Cliffs at Cape Sounion |
Lyndsi and I at The Temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounion |
The Temple of Poseidon |
Sara, Berry and I |
We had a lecture right underneath the temple. It was during this lecture that I learned that Joe could have very well been an actor. He has a natural talent for voice overs. Good instinct. We stopped for lunch after the temple and then headed towards the Thorikos. ANOTHER ANCIENT THEATRE!!
Theatre Nerd Time Again:
The Theatron |
The Orchestra and Part of The Theatron |
Whilst we were at the theatre Joe had us reenact the story of Persephone. We would be going to Eleusis tomorrow and that information would be useful in our travels.
Our next stop was St. Paul Monastery. We received a tour of the grounds and had a talk-back with one of the nuns. She had some very insightful things to say. She talked about:
-Removing yourself from your country of origin helps you find yourself Never be critical. And don't judge. In every religion or situation people aim at doing their best through God. No one aims at being bad. Every night ask for forgiveness. And forgive others. Holding onto things pollutes the soul. Eating unhealthy pollutes the soul. Live a simple life. And find meaning in what you do.-
The things she said really resonated with me. The nun mentioned that they all Monastery's have rooms that you can stay in and visit. I think it would be really interesting to go to Greece and travel to various Monastery's talking to the different nuns. It would be a very eyeopening soul-searching sort of experience. A Grecian Nun tour is definitely on my bucket list.
We returned back to Glyfada and had a traditional Cretan dinner at one of the local tavernas.
Nunnery Skirt | | |
During Dinner--The Waitress Cut of Everyone's Booze--We Were Fine |
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