Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 3-The Theatre of Me and The Odeon of Herodes Atticus

View From the Top of the Acropolis
View From the Top of the Acropolis
I majored in Theatre Performance.  My name in Greek is Dionysia--the female form of the name Dionysos.  Dionysos was the Greek god of wine, the theatre and having a good time.  I was appropriately named.

You think the classics kids were excited about seeing the Acropolis!?  I've been involved in theatre since the second grade.  The theatre practically has my name.  So you bet your bottom dollar I almost pissed myself when I was standing in front of the Theatre of Dionysos; actually I started to cry a bit, nonetheless the emotion was there.  As a little treat for me I did my Greek monologue to myself in every theatre space we went into.  Theatres are such magical places, and I truly felt empowered being in the space where what I've chosen to do with my life was born.

Theatre of Dionysos

Now let's be theatre nerds:
The Theatron
The Choregus and Important People Seating at the Base of the Theatron
The Orchestra
Remnants of the Skene Building
The Front of the Proskenion
Stairs Leading Up to the Proskenion--The Acting Space

Next on the way up to the Acropolis was the Odeon of Herodes Atticus aka, where Yanni was "Live at the Acropolis"  This theatre is still in use today and has tyical Roman architecture with the use of a fixated back wall, the Frons Scenae, with doors for entrances and exits.

Modern Lighting Instruments Ancient Theatre
Behind the Odeon of Herodes Atticus
Part of the Frons Scenae

The Odeon of Herodes Atticus

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