Thursday, August 12, 2010

America, F*** Yeah

This was my initial journal reaction when I had landed in Chicago...

I just arrived back in America, and I could not be more disgusted.  Some campy Disney-like video about interracial couples and bears in rivers greeted me at customs.  And on the other side was a McDonalds.  As I glanced around at all the gluttonous white people chattering away their meaningless lies, I felt I had to do something to get back into the 'Merican Spirit.'  So I thought about what it means to be "free" over a Big Mac, cheeseburger, fries and a coke.  If you ask me, freedom is a little greasy and over-salted.  There was a fleeting moment of satisfaction with my gluttonous adventure when a new development from BP cam on the airport television.  I quickly snapped out of my stupor and crapped out any warm feelings I had for this country.

Welcome Back.


  1. write more.... ever come to la?? would love to show you around

  2. I agree with you completely. We need to change this country, it is going to hell just like Rome did. See for some great Ancient Greek maxims.
